
One’s range of knowledge or sight.



1. A connection or series of connections
linking two or more things.

2. A connected group or series: “a nexus of ideas.”


The Interactive Web Video Solution
For Training, Development, Communications,
and Marketing.

A simple everything-in-one-place immersive and super-connected video experience allows you to meet your Associates and Customers where they are.

Any device. Any browser. Anytime.


Chef For All Seasons with Chef Chris Starkus

featuring 14 integrated Brand partners!


Whatever video content you create,
everyone benefits when you enable it with kenxus.

A Few Of The Great Partners We’ve Worked With


Viewers can use their favorite browser.

Optimized for Chrome, Safari, Firefox, IE, and Edge,
a kenxus Portal works on any device.


Choose your feed.

We support video, including live streams, from these top companies.


A simple embed snippet is all it takes to elevate your Web video content experience on any device. 

Interactive content.  Wherever your viewers want it.

An embedded kenxus Portal transports viewers across the Web
yet keeps them on the site they came in on.


By the numbers.  Real-time metrics that matter.

Know who clicked on what, where, when, on what device, and did it result in a purchase.


Some of the Great Brand Partners
We’ve Worked With